Tips for more search engine traffic

With the difficulty that comes with trying to build organic search engine traffic, it’s easy to grasp why people so often resort to buying it. However it’s well known that organic traffic produces far more conversions. In the end, isn’t that the goal of most websites?

That’s why we’ve put together these tips to aid you in getting the most traffic possible.

Nothing works better than SEO. Some great ways of improving your rankings on search engines include speeding up your website. It’s amazing what a difference this does in fact make as these days, fast loading times (particularly for mobiles and tablets) is one of Google’s key ranking requirements. Simplifying your page design to reduce HTTP requests, enabling compression and allowing caching are all great ways to speed it up.

After speed, relevancy is king. Being relevant to trending subjects which relate to your niche will also improve optimisation. Do your research. If you find something relevant that you’re interested in, why not write about it? Not only are you producing more content, but also improving your standing.

Another crucial factor is in your content itself. As well as being relevant, you need to be original. If all your content is just some kind of rehash of something better which came before, why would anyone come to you? You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, but a new outlook or an exciting twist goes a long way! A little bit of variety is also a good thing, but you need to make sure you’re being consistent; don’t sacrifice your niche just to create some variety.

More than all of these things though, you need to make sure your site’s up to date. If you’ve often got new things coming out, and with some kind of consistency, then you’re going to stand far more chance of being noticed. Do these things and you won’t just get people visiting your website, but revisiting.

Branding’s also vital. There are tons of ways to improve your brand online (Check out our 6 branding tips), but one of the most important is definitely guest blogging. This is where another blog or website allows you to create some content for them, and in return you’re allowed to provide a link to your website. This not only helps with link building, but it allows you to branch out and reach more people; as fans of that website who enjoy your content, will probably search for more.

Sharing everything you do on social media is also a must. Social media websites are indispensable tools in gaining more traffic.

Follow all of this advice, and in no time you’ll be noticing a huge increase in your search engine traffic.

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